
Bryce Alderson

The Challenge

Bryce needed help with his supplement brand, Orphic Nutrition. He was looking for someone who could write great product descriptions for Amazon, but it was important that these descriptions didn’t break any of Amazon’s rules.

Finding the right words for supplements can be tough because you have to be careful not to make any health claims that Amazon doesn’t allow.

This could lead to the listing getting flagged by Amazon and it can be a hassle to get it back up.

Our Strategy

We took on the challenge and completely redid his Amazon listings. Our goal was to focus on the benefits of the supplements in a way that would connect with customers, but without making any claims that could get the listings into trouble.

We carefully wrote powerful descriptions that were engaging and followed all of Amazon’s guidelines.

The Outcome

This approach really paid off.

Bryce’s brand, Orphic Nutrition, started to stand out in a very competitive market. The quality of the listings was so good that it caught the attention of a big aggregator.

Eventually, Bryce sold Orphic Nutrition for multiple 7-figures. This sale showed how important good listing optimization and careful copywriting can be in making a brand successful on Amazon.

Client Testimonial

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Bryce Alderson

Founder of Orphic Nutrition (Sold to SellerX)
7-fig Supplement Brand