Full List Of 243+ Amazon Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms to Become an Amazon Master!

amazon acronyms

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As an Amazon seller or customer, you probably encounter all sorts of acronyms while navigating their platform.

If you use Seller Central, interact with other people on Amazon-related Facebook groups, or do Amazon-related Google searches, you might also see quite a number of unfamiliar acronyms that leave you scratching your head.

What does POPS mean? COW? SKU?

And wow… there’s even an Amazon acronym called CRAP!

In this article, I have compiled a comprehensive Amazon acronyms list to help you out, especially if you are new to Amazon.

What Are The Amazon Acronyms?

Amazon has its own unique e-Commerce language. They sometimes make use of complex acronyms and abbreviations in different segments of their business.

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words that are used to represent the whole, such as 3P, AMZL, or FBA.

Acronyms, on the other hand, usually contain a set of initial letters to form a new word, such as MAP, BOLO, or ASIN.

Let’s get to the list.

Amazon Acronyms And Abbreviations List

3P – Third Party Seller

Also referred to as retailer. Third party sellers sell products directly to consumers on Amazon under their own business name.

3PL – 3rd Party Logistics

Also referred to as 3rd Party Fulfillment. 3PL companies are involved in assembling, preparing, and/or shipping products on behalf of a seller.

7-Day Deal

A promotion type available for Amazon sellers. This limited-time offer is featured on Amazon’s Best Deals page.

A+ Content

This is an Amazon product detail page that has enhanced brand content, or EBC.

Compared to a regular listing, A+ content allows sellers to include graphics and images to their product detail page.

AA – Amazon Associate

Also referred to as the Amazon Affiliate program.

This is a free Amazon program for website owners and bloggers who want to advertise products from Amazon.com on their sites by creating links. They earn referral fees when customers click the link and purchase the advertised product on Amazon.

Amazon Associate can also mean a person working for Amazon.

AAP – Amazon Advertising Platform

An ad buy platform, which allows brands to target Amazon shoppers off of Amazon.com and Amazon-owned sites.

Online retailers can work an in-house Amazon team to plan and execute their programmatic ads, or choose the self-service Amazon Advertising Platform.

ACOS – Advertising Cost Of Sale

This is related to Amazon sponsored product ads and its metrics that show how well your products are performing relative to their cost.

The formula for this is total spend / ad sales = ACOS.

ACS – Amazon Creative Services

This is available in the advertising dashboard for Amazon sellers and vendors.

It allows you to check out and book different services with trusted service providers for policy-compliant and highly-engaging creative assets.


An Amazon program where referrals can earn money by driving traffic and sales via Amazon Marketing Services.

Affiliates use a variety of sites for this, such as individual blogs, forums, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

AGS – Amazon Global Selling

Another program that allows sellers to list and sell their products on Amazon’s global marketplaces.

AM – Area Manager

This term typically refers to an Amazon Fulfillment Center position.

Area managers are responsible for all budgetary, people development, and operations objectives for a specific area in a Fulfillment Center.

AMG – Amazon Media Group

A program that offers advanced Amazon advertising, both on and off Amazon’s site.

It also lets you run ads on Amazon devices, like Kindle, to drive traffic to the site.

AMZ – Amazon

AMZ is Amazon’s stock abbreviation. This may also be abbreviated as AZ.

AMZL – Amazon Logistics

Also known as Amazon Shipping or Amazon Delivery.

AMZL refers to any product deliveries made in the US through Amazon’s own logistical arrangements and delivery service.

Andon or Andon Cord

Adopted by Amazon around 2012, Andon Cords allow any Support Agent to issue a warning or pull a product from buyable status.

These are sent out when a product has been discovered to have a significant safety or quality issue.

API – Application Program Interface

A code that allows 2 platforms or software programs to communicate with each other.

AR – Amazon Robotics

Sophisticated machinery and software that are designed to optimize efficiency in an Amazon Fulfillment Center.

ARA – Amazon Retail Analytics

This features a selection of basic reports and product performance statistics for Amazon sellers.

Generated information are based on trends, operations, customer behavior, and overall sales.

ARAP – Amazon Retail Analytics Premium

An add-on option available on Amazon Vendor Central. This analytics tool provides more detailed product performance reports compared to those generated by ARA Basic.

ARS – Amazon Robotics Sortable

A type of Fulfillment Center where Amazon employees often work alongside robots in picking, packing, and shipping small- to medium-sized customer orders.

ARSAW – Amazon Robotics Semi-Automatic Workstation

Technology used in Fulfillment Centers that automates the process of sorting customer orders with the help of robots and complex conveyor belt systems.

ASC – Associate Safety Committee

ASC members work like safety specialists in Amazon’s Fulfillment Centers.

They help ensure safety in an Amazon warehouse by looking out for hazards, broken equipment, or unsafe employee behavior.

ASIN – Amazon Standard Info Number

A unique 10-character alphanumeric identifier that works just like a UPC Universal Product Code.

ASINS, however, are exclusively used for identifying retail products sold within Amazon.

ASN – Advanced Shipment Notification

This is an electronic packing list that vendors send to Amazon in advance of delivery.

An ASN can be created in the Vendor Central Portal or by EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

ASP – Average Selling Price

This refers to the average retail price that a seller sells their items for.

ASP is calculated by taking the total sales for a time period divided by the number of items for the time period.


As an Amazon Associates affiliate, you get to earn a commission every time a customer makes a purchase through an affiliate link in your content.

Associates can also mean people who work for Amazon.

ATOP – At Time Of Posting

This refers to the retail price of an item at the time the post was created.

You will most likely see this abbreviation on Amazon related Facebook groups that sell products and goods.

AWS – Amazon Web Services

AWS is a cloud platform offered by Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, enterprises, and government agencies.

It offers cloud-based services that provide email, data storage, networking, servers, remote computing, mobile development, and security.

AZ – Amazon

Also abbreviated as AMZ, and used to refer to Amazon.

AZ or AMZ – Amazon

AMZ is the stock abbreviation for Amazon. AZ is also an abbreviation used to refer to Amazon.

B2B – Business To Business

B2B refers to the relationship between 2 businesses, rather than between a business and a consumer.

B2C – Business To Customer

B2C refers to the relationship between a business, a firm, or a company, and an individual or a consumer.

BB – Buy Box

The Buy Box is the button Amazon customers use to purchase a product on an Amazon detail page.

Best Deal

A limited-time promotional offer available for Amazon vendors.

BISS – Business Industrial & Scientific Supplies

A specific selling category on Amazon, which is restricted to most sellers.

BL – Big Lots

An American retail company with more than 1,400 stores in 47 states. This discount store is frequented by many FBA sellers.

Blue Badge

An Amazon full-time employee (as opposed to a temporary or contract worker).

BM – Brick & Mortar

The exact opposite of an online retail store. BM refers to the traditional way of shopping at a store that has a physical location.

BOGO or BOGOF – Buy One Get One or Buy One Get One Free

A type of promotion where sellers get one additional item free for the price of one.

BOLO – Be On The Lookout

This acronym is used to refer to a profitable item that you might be able to find in nearby stores.

Brand Analytics

A wide variety of features available to brands that are enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry.

Brand HQ

This system can be accessed by sellers on the Amazon Brand Incubator and Amazon Exclusives program.

In Brand HQ, sellers can connect with other brands through a forum, gain more knowledge with Amazon’s eLearning courses, or ask an Amazon Associate any kind of question.

Brand Registry

This program gives you access to a variety of tools for building and protecting your brand, as well as creating a better experience for your customers.

Brand Store

An Amazon Brand Store is made using a free, self-service tool, which allows you to create a customized brand experience within Amazon.

Browse Node

These are numerical codes used to identify specific Amazon product categories. Amazon uses thousands of these per locale, and these are unique to locale (UK codes are different from US codes).

BSR – Best Seller Rank

This abbreviation is often used interchangeably with Sales Rank. BSR gives an idea of how well an item is selling compared to others.

BTS – Back To School

BTS refers to a calendar period used by merchants to promote and boost product sales that are related to school supplies and school-related services.


A bundle means a group of complementary products that are sold as 1 ASIN unit.

CA – Canada

CA is the abbreviation used for the Canadian marketplace.

CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate

This is the rate of return needed for an investment to grow from its starting balance to its ending balance, assuming the profits were reinvested at the end of each year of the investment’s lifespan.

Category Page

A landing page for a specific group of products within the Amazon website. Examples would be: Books, Electronics, or Toys & Games.

CCC – CamelCamelCamel

A free online tool for Amazon sellers that allows users to keep track of Amazon price and rank history charts, price watches, and price drop alerts.

CCR – Counterfeit Complaint Rate

CCR refers to the rate by which sellers get complaints about their products being fake or counterfeit.

CD – Continuous Deployment

In Amazon’s Marketplace Web Services, CD is a software development practice where code changes are automatically prepared for a release to production without explicit approval.

Child ASIN

A buyable variant of a parent ASIN, when the customer has to select an option, such as size or color to purchase.

Child ASINS have to be on one Amazon detail page under the parent ASIN.

Climate Pledge Friendly

Launched in 2020, this Amazon program is meant to give customers an easier time shopping for eco-friendly, sustainable products on its sites.

CM – Change Management

In cloud computing, CM is one of the processes that help control the life cycle of IT infrastructure.

CM allows changes to be made while ensuring minimal IT service disruptions.

CMBR – Change Management Bar Raiser

Amazon bar raisers are responsible for ensuring that hired candidates “raise the performance bar”.

Bar raisers make sure that candidates hired are better than at least 40% of the existing employees in the same position.

COGS – Cost Of Goods Sold

This refers to the cost of goods sold during a certain time period.


The amounts Amazon has refunded to customers related to your products or orders.

Contra COGS

COGS including all backend, such as Vine, ARA Premium, MDF, etc).


An Amazon promotional deal where Amazon marketplace sellers offer an amount of percentage off for a limited time.

COW – Consumer Order Workflow

This refers to the entire process that takes place when a buyer adds your product to their shopping cart and checks out.

CP – Contribution Profit

CP computes the profitability of each and every shipment that gets shipped out of Amazon.

CPC – Cost Per Click

CPC refers to Sponsored Ads and the amount Amazon charges sellers or vendors whenever customers click on their ad.

The formula for CPC is total ad cost / clicks.

CPH – Cost Per Head

Also known as “price for each person”.

CPS – Cost Per Shipment

Also known as the “amount spent on each shipment”.

CPT – Critical Pull Time

CPT refers to the time period in which an order is in danger of not getting shipped in time for customer delivery cut-offs.

CPU – Contacts Per Unit

CPU is a way to measure your customer service performance.

It is the number of contacts that consist of order-related customer inquiries that Amazon handles on your behalf per self-fulfilled shipped unit.

CRAP – Can’t Realize Any Profit

Based on Amazon algorithms, a product is deemed CRAP if it has no way of making a profit due to high shipping costs, too much inventory, or pricing issues – just to name a few.

CS – Customer Service

CS refers to the support a company provides to customers who have inquiries, service requests, complaints, or returns.

CTI – Category, Type, Item

The hierarchical structure for categorization with multiple layers of classification.

Traditional hierarchical structure starts from creating a category list first, then different types per category, then different items per type.

CWGR – Compound Weekly Growth Rate

CWGR is the weekly growth of your investments over a specific period of time.

It is a measure of how much you have earned on your investments every week during a given interval.

CX – Customer Experience

CX is also referred to as User Experience.

This is defined as the totality of a customer’s feelings, impressions, and insights toward the company after buying its goods or receiving its services.

DEA – Dynamic eCommerce Ads

A component of Amazon DSP where product display ads will have integrated eCommerce features, such as retail price and review ratings.

DEA can also mean Delivery Estimate Accuracy.

DMG – Damaged

DMG is an abbreviation for “Damaged”.

DNR – Delivered Not Received

This term is used when order tracking shows that is has been “delivered”, but the customer hasn’t actually received it.

DOTD – Deal Of The Day

A single item or bundle on Amazon’s Gold Box or Deals pag that is discounted for a period of 24 hours.

DP – Detail Page

An Amazon detail page displays important product information, including its price, title, bullet points, desription, customer reviews, and more.

DPMO – Defects Per Million Opportunities

This is the ratio of the number of defects in a sample to the total number of defect opportunities multiplied by 1 million.

It also measures the error rate of a process, indicating how good your process with regards to committing mistakes.

DPV – Detail Page Views

A metric showing the number of impressions of a single detail page.

DPVR – Detail Page View Rate

This refers to the total number of promoted product Amazon Detail page views, divided by the number of ad impressions – presented as a rate.


Or dropshipping, which is the process of selling a product without the responsibility of carrying inventory or shipping the goods.

When you dropship, you don’t own any merchandise and act as a middleman between suppliers and customers.

DSP – Delivery Service Provider

A third-party service provider contracted to deliver goods to a customer.

DSP – Demand Side Platform

Previously known as Amazon Advertising Platform, Amazon DSP is a demand-side platform that allows you to programmatically buy ads to reach new and existing audiences on and off Amazon.

EAN – European Article Number

This refers to a 13-digit number system used for identifying retail products in Europe.

Early Reviewer Program

An Amazon program that incentivizes customers who have purchased a product to leave an honest review.

EBC – Enhanced Brand Content

An Amazon product detail page where the product description includes graphics and images embedded into the page.

As of 2020, EBC is obsolete and has been replaced by A+ Content. Here’s a full guide about the A+ content.

ECR – Executive Customer Relations

A branch within Amazon that is tasked to resolve the most highly escalated customer contacts received by Amazon.

EDD – Estimated Delivery Date

The estimated date when the customer is expected to receive the order.

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange

A method for companies and businesses to send digital information to one another digitally.

EFN – European Fulfillment Network

Allows sellers with an Amazon Europe Marketplaces account, who are also registered with Amazon, to store their inventory in their European Fullfilment Center, and fulfill orders coming from other European marketplaces from the same local inventory pool.

EOD – End Of Day

EOD refers to the close of a particular working day.

Existing Customers

Individuals who have purchased or re-purchased your goods or services on Amazon.

EXSD – Expected Ship Date

The system’s estimate of when an item will leave the Fulfillment Center and corresponds to a delivery truck’s critical pull time.

FB – Facebook

An acronym used to refer to Facebook.

FBA – Fulfillment By Amazon

FBA means that Amazon will pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service for your product.

FBM – Fulfilled By Merchant

Also referred to as “Merchant Fulfilled”, FBM means that the seller will ship products directly to the customer.

FC – Fulfillment Center

Also known as an Amazon warehouse.

FFP – Frustration-Free Packaging

An Amazon sustainability program that eliminates excessive packing and overboxing.

FNSKU – Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit

An Amazon product identifier for products that are fulfilled by Amazon.

FPY – First Pass Yield

A measure of quality in a process that reflects the percentage of product made correctly without needing any rework or corrective activity.

Gated Category

This is a category that requires Amazon’s approval for sale. Amazon might require performance checks, additional fees, or other qualification for certain products and categories.

GL String

This refers to Amazon’s codification system for allocating costs to the correct Profit & Loss Statement.

Glance Views

Just like DPV, “glance views” refers to the number of times a detail page has been viewed.

GLN – Global Location Number

A unique identification code of a physical location that is used to identify locations and legal entities.

Global SKU

An SKU that is part of a shared inventory pool, and is available to be sold and shipped in multiple marketplaces.


This refers to Amazon’s landing page, which contains the Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals, and a selection of categories’ best promotions and savings.

GTIN – Global Trade Item Number

A globally unique 14-digit number that is used to identify items, products, and services.

Hazmat – Hazardous Materials

Such items may be flammable, dangerous, corrosive, pressurized, etc. Hazmat require special precautions and regulations when being transported or stored.

HBA – Healthy & Beauty Aids

These consist of products related to health and beauty, including skin moisturizers, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail polishes, makeup, shampoos, hair colors, toothpastes, deodorants, permanent waves, etc.

Headline Search Ads

These are advertisements located on top of a search results page. Headline Search Ads have been renamed to Sponsored Brands.


This happens when another seller jumps on a brand’s listing to sell a counterfeit product at a lower price.

This results in the legitimate brand losing the Buy Box. Read this guide if you want to remove Amazon listing hijacking.

HTF – Hard To Find

HTF items are often associated with BOLO posts. You will usually see this term used for an item that is rarely seen in stores anymore.

IAT – Inbound Andon Tracker

Used by Support Agents to keep track of Andon Cord tickets.

IB – Inbound

Another term used for “incoming”.

ICQA – Inventory Control Quality Assurance

A department in an Amazon warehouse that is responsible for keeping track of inventory and making sure that all stowed items are accounted for.

IDQ – Item Data Quality

This refers to the condition of an item’s information, for example, if the product has bullet points and images.


A measure of views or ad views. This is determined by the number of single times a page is located and loaded.

IP – Intellectual Property

This refers to trademarks, copyrights, and patents. These allow a rights owner to control how their materials are used, sold, or distributed.

IRDR – Inventory Record Defect Ratio

A random inventory count, where the virtual is matched with the physical in a bin.

If IRDR is high, then a picker could be sent to a bin to pick a unit, but it won’t be there.

ISBN – International Standard Book Number

A 13-digit identity number assigned to individual books by standard book numbering agencies.

KPI – Key Performance Indicators

A measurable value that determines how well your business performs against set objectives.

LBB – Lost Buy Box

Used when a product loses the Buy Box button to another seller who has a better offer, as determined by Amazon’s algorithm.

LD – Lightning Deal

A promotion on Amazon offered in a limited quantity for a short period of time.

These deals are found throughout Amazon, and are available on the Today’s Deals or Prime Day page.

Less Than Container Load

A shipment measure that means less than 18 cubic meters.

Less Than Truckload

A shipment measure for ground transport that means more than 30 cartons in a combined load with other merchants.

Lightning Deal

Also called “LD”, Lighting Deals are promotions on Amazon offered in limited quantities for a short period of time.

These deals are found throughout Amazon, and are available on the Today’s Deals or Prime Day page.

Listing Optimization

The process of improving an Amazon detail page and product information, including titles, bullet points, features, description, and images. Here’s a guide on how to optimize it completely.

Long-Term Storage Fee

Amazon’s chargeback for inventory that has been stored in a Fulfillment Center for over 365 days.

MAP – Minimum Advertised Price

As an example: In the US, if a retailer buys inventory from a manufacturer that has a MAP policy, the retailer must not sell the product below that specified price. If they do, they risk no longer working with that manufacturer.


This refers to the specific locale or domain you are selling in. It could refer to a country (UK, DE, CA, etc) or overall third-party merchants.

MCF – Multi Channel Fulfillment

A fulfillment type where storage is not limited to a single company.

Some inventory may be fulfilled by Amazon through FBA and other inventory by other sales channels or by the seller themselves.

MF – Merchant Fulfilled

Also referred to as “FBM”, Merchant Fulfilled means that the seller will ship products directly to the customer.

MNR – Manifested Not Received

This could mean that the product has been handed over to the courier partner, but has not yet been delivered to the customer.

MOM – Month Over Month

Month-over-month growth shows the change in the value of a statistic as a percentage of the previous month’s value.

MOQ – Minimum Order Quantity

MOQ is the minimum amount of items a consumer can order. This usually applies to orders from wholesalers or distributors.

MSRP – Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price

The price at which the manufacturer recommends that the retailer sell the product.

MTD – Month To Date

Refers to the time from the beginning of the month until this time of the month.

NAFN – North American Fulfillment Network

Vendors in North America (US, Canada, and Mexico) may find their products shipped to any of these countries using Amazon’s fulfillment channels.

NDA – Non Disclosure Agreement

This covers items such as what is confidential, who the information can be shared with, breach of contract, amendments, and other important parts of every NDA.

NIS – New Item Setup

All the steps involved in the initial creation of a product, such as accepting terms and agreements, developing an ASIN, and filling out product detail page information.

NP – New Product

A newly listed item on Amazon.

NR – Non Replenishable

An item that is not available and could be deleted from the catalog.

NTB – New To Brand

An advertising metric used by Amazon to determine whether an ad-attributed purchase was made by an existing customer or one buying a brand’s product on Amazon for the first time over the prior year.

OA – Online Arbitrage

Also referred to as “Retail Arbitrage”. This means purchasing items from online retailers to resell on Amazon.

OB – Obsolete

This term is used for a product that will no longer be available, and will not be ordered and located in Amazon’s Brand Analytics on Vendor Central.

OB – Outbound

Outward bound or leaving a particular place.

ODR – Order Defect Rate

The percentage of orders that have received negative feedback or significant issue on, an A to Z Guarantee claim, or a service credit chargeback.

OLR – Organization and Leadership Review

This review process involves senior managers in Amazon debating the strengths and weaknesses of subordinates for promotions, or in some cases, whether or not to fire worst performing employees.

OM – Operations Manager

An employee in an Amazon warehouse who is responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations of their assigned department.

OOS – Out Of Stock

A term used when items are out of stock in retail stores or Amazon themselves being out of stock.

OP – Order Picker

An Amazon warehouse worker tasked to retrieve items from storage areas or the warehouse floor, and packing them for shipment.

OPS – Operations

Mostly used to refer to the operations department.

ORDT – On Road Dynamic Transfer

This term is mostly used for warehouse deliveries.

OTC – Over The Counter

Also known as off-exchange trading. This trading practice is done directly between two parties, without the supervision of an exchange.

P&L – Profit and Loss

Also referred to as Profit and Loss Statement or Income Statement.

This financial statement summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specified period, usually a fiscal quarter or year.

PA – Process Assistant

An Amazon warehouse position who works as a supervisor under the Area Manager.

Parent ASIN

An ASIN used to group variations on one detail page.

Each main ASIN can have multiple variants, such as color, size, flavor, scent, etc. These variants are referred to as child ASINs.

PCOGS – Product Cost Of Goods Sold

This is the amount needed to procure an item or a product.

PDA – Product Display Ads

A type of display advertising where a product’s ad appears throughout Amazon on category and product pages.

PED – Prime Exclusive Discount

A deal type available only to Amazon FBA sellers for Prime-eligible items. This can be an amount or percentage off for a limited time period.

PMV – Process Map Visuals

Planning and management tools that visually describe the flow of work.

PNOV – Preliminary Notice Of Violation

A notification from Amazon informing sellers of their probable violation.

POD – Proof Of Delivery

A customer-signed document from the shipping company that indicates that the item has been delivered.

POPS – Proactive Outbound Problem Solve

An Amazon worker tasked to investigate outbound processes to find and create solutions for issues that create quality errors.

PPC – Pay Per Click

A term used for Amazon Advertising, in which advertisers pay a fee each time an ad is clicked.

PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

Often required for working in certain job roles at an Amazon Fulfillment center.

PPM – Pure Product Margin

This is calculated by using this formula: Revenue – PCOGS/ Revenue.

PPQA – Process Path Quality Assurance

The steps followed to ensure that quality regulations are met in an Amazon Fulfillment Center.

PPV – Product Price Variance

This happens when a vendor raises an invoice and the item price on the invoice differs from what Amazon has in the system.

PQV Product Quantity Variance

This is when a vendor sends inventory to Amazon and the amount they shipped differs from the amount Amazon received.

PR – Planned Replenishment

A standard code that indicates a product will be reordered automatically.

Prime – Amazon Prime

A paid subscription service for free and fast delivery on millions of items.

Prime also includes a range of services and streaming entertainment options, such as Prime Video, Prime Music, Prime Pantry, Twitch, and more.

Private Label

Products legally owned by a retailer or supplier, and sold under their own brand name.

Professional Seller

An Amazon seller account where a business pays a monthly fee (no per-item fee).

This grants access to different tools, discounts, and reports that are not available as an individual seller.

Project Zero

An Amazon program for Brand Registry businesses that is meant to weed out counterfeits and IP infringement through self-service reporting, serialization, and more.

Q1 – First Quarter

January to March of any given year.

Q2 – Second Quarter

April to June of any given year.

Q3 – Third Quarter

July to September of any given year.

Q4 – Fourth Quarter

October to December of any given year.

QA – Quality Assurance

A process of preventing mistakes and defects in manufactured products, and avoiding problems when delivering products or services to customers.

QBR – Quarterly Business Review

A short planning process where you review your previous three months, evaluate your goal progress, and create a concrete plan of attach to finish each goal.

RA – Retail Arbitrage

This means purchasing items at lower prices from retailers to resell on Amazon for a greater price.

REPLEN – Replenishable Product

An item that a seller is able to replenish from a supplier and sell continuously.

ROAS – Return On Ad Spend

This tells you how much you will receive for every dollar you spend on advertising.

A metric that determines the effectiveness of an ad campaign.

ROI – Return On Investment

A performance metric used to determine the success of an investment relative to the costs.

RRP – Recommended Retail Price

Same with MSRP, RRP is the price at which the manufacturer recommends that the retailer sell the product.

RSP – Robotics Service Platform

Monitors robots, allocates work, distributes contents, and distributes robot S/W through the Cloud (Saas).

RSR – Reserve Stow Racks

An Amazon warehouse storage location where stock and inventory are placed.

Sales Rank

Amazon’s internal ranking of products in search and browse.

SB – Sponsored Brands

Formerly known as Headline Search Ads. These ads appear both in the search results, product pages, and other places, such as the checkout page.

SBC – Simple Bin Count

The total number of items in a bin after items are stowed.

SC – Seller Central

The online interface used by certain Amazon marketplace sellers for managing their Amazon Pro or individual seller accounts. You can access your Seller Central here.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

The process followed to increase traffic and visibility to a website, brand, or product through a search engine on the web.


One session is a group of interactions/page views/loads that one user takes on a website within a certain time frame.

SFP – Seller Fulfilled Prime

A program for Amazon Prime sellers that allows them to ship from their own warehouses and control their own fulfillment.

SIOC – Ships In Own Container

An Amazon container packaging option where the product can be shipped in its own box and no over boxing is required in the Fulfillment Center to ship to a customer.

SKU – Stock Keeping Unit

An alphanumeric code used to identify items in a seller’s inventory.

SLA – Service Level Agreement

An agreement between two parties detailing how a service can be accomplished.

SLAM – Scan, Label, Apply, Manifest

This refers to the step at which shipment is weighed, the shipping method is calculated, and a shipping label is applied.

Small And Light

An Amazon fulfillment program for smaller items that, when qualified, results in reduced shipping costs.

SNS – Subscribe And Save

An Amazon service that allows customers to periodically auto-order delivery on certain products at a discounted price.

SP – Sponsored Products

Keyword-targeted ads that promote an individual product and are on a cost-per-click basis.

SPN – Service Provider Network

A network of more than 300 professional service providers who are trained and certified by Amazon.

This network enables sellers to launch, manage, and growth their Amazon business.

Sponsored Brands

Keyword-targeted ads that promote a brand with the logo, creative, and a collection of products.


A barcode label applied to a box after an item has been packed.

SRC – Simple Record Count

Counting the number of specific items in a bin and surrounding bins.

SRP – Suggested Retail Price

Same with MSRP, SRP is the price at which the manufacturer recommends that the retailer sell the product.


Replaced by Brand Store. Storefront is a website within Amazon that is curated for your brand.

Third Party Sellers

A business or individual that sells a product or products using Amazon Seller Central.

TIA – Thanks In Advance

You will most likely see this term used in Amazon selling group pages requesting for information.

TOS – Terms Of Service

Also referred to as Terms of Use or Terms and Conditions.

This refers to the legal agreements between a service provider and a person who wants to use that service.

TOT – Time Off Task

A term used in Fulfillment Centers. This is used to determine the amount of time needed to complete a certain task.

TRU – Toys R Us

An American toy, clothing, and baby product retailer.

TTT – Tote Transition Time

A term used in Fulfillment Centers, which refers to the amount of time an Amazon worker takes to transition from one tote to another or swap it out.


Amazon’s detail page function for merging ASINs of different colors and sizes onto one page.

Unverified Review

A product review from someone who may or may not have actually purchased the item.

UPC – Universal Product Code

A 12-digit unique code used to identify a specific product.

This features a unique sequence of black bars that are detected by machines for easier processing.

UPH – Units Per Hour

The number of units produced or sold per hour, depending on the context of use.

UR – Universal Receive

An Amazon worker responsible for overseeing and managing all incoming and outgoing products, materials, items, and/or merchandise in the warehouse.

URP – Universal Receive Prep

The process of preparing a product for shipment.

URS – Universal Receive Sort

The process of sorting, scanning, and stacking packages on pallets.

UTA – Unable To Access

Not having access to something, such as a service or a location.

UTL – Unable To Locate

Not being able to identify or pinpoint a specific location.

UX – User Experience

UX is also referred to as Customer Experience.

This is defined as the totality of a customer’s feelings, impressions, and insights toward the company after buying its goods or receiving its services.

VA – Virtual Assistant

Someone who provides administrative help while working remotely.


Some products have one main item with options for size, color, flavor, pack sizes, and more.

The main product is the parent ASIN while the variations are the child ASINs.

VAT – Value Added Tax

Known in some countries as Goods and Service Tax.

This is a consumption tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the supply chain, from production to the point of sale.


Vendors sell products to Amazon’s retail side to be sold by Amazon to end consumers, taking on the role of wholesalers.

Verified Review

A review made by a genuine purchaser of the product in question.


An Amazon program where vendors or sellers can enroll their products to obtain verified, legitimate reviews.

VIR – Volume Incentive Rebate

Also referred to as Growth Incentive Rebate, VIR is a type of discount or rebate linked to higher volume and growth.

VIS – Video In Search

Offers advertisers a content-rich medium in which to make a direct connection with Amazon customers through videos in mobile search results.

VNHO – Virtual New Hire Orientation

An onboarding program for new hires done online.


A promotional deal on Amazon where a vendor or seller offers an amount or percentage off for a limited time.

Warehouse Deals

Sold by Amazon Warehouse, a business of Amazon that sells quality “used” products and rents out used textbooks.

WHS – Warehouse Health And Safety

Alternatively, may also be shorthand for warehouse.

WM – Walmart

An American retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets, discount supermarket stores, and grocery stores from the United States.

WOW – Week Over Week

Comparing data from one week to the previous week.

YMMV – Your Mileage May Vary

A chat lingo that you will most likely see in Amazon-related Facebook groups, which means that the post may not apply to everyone.

YOY – Year Over Year

Comparing data from one year to the previous year.

YTD – Year To Date

From the beginning of the year until this time of the year.

Final Thoughts

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For a new seller, the Amazon marketplace is a literal jungle filled with unfamiliar terms, acronyms, and abbreviations.

I hope that this article clears away some of the confusion by laying out a comprehensive list of Amazon acronyms used on different platforms.

With this list, you are now able to navigate Amazon with more comfort and ease.

Now, be on your way to getting more sales and ranking #1 in the Amazon marketplace!

Written by: Omar Deryan

Founder of OJ Digital Solutions